Saturday, February 23, 2013

Early bird gets to eat breakfast :D

So, I woke up slightly earlier than everyone else, so I decided to make myself a great breakfast!
Nutella Waffle, potato sausage patties and egg roll! 
And it took me 5 min to make this great breakfast, because the potato sausage patties and egg roll are left over from last night dinner!
And ya...I have to study am a bit down...sigh four more weeks till spring break, I can do this! I stocked up some can soup I hope I can really get into the study mode now! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

All you need is love. &FOOD

Hi all -

First entry! I haven't really been keeping up with this blog until now.. Being "busy" is just an excuse - being the typical lazy college student is more viable. Well, actually that isn't necessarily true because our blog does imply that we're "better than cup noodles." The three of us are real food fanatics and we really value each meal (if we don't end up skipping them) - even a simple cup noodle is created with the perfect amount of H2O so that the noodles stay tongue-smacking. On that note, I don't have any pictures of food for you guys... BUT I will get going with that soon! Fingers crossed.

Maggie already talked about going home this past 3-day weekend and I don't want to sound repetitive...  but I just have to! I hate packing. I hate unpacking. I hate taking my shoes on and off. I hate lugging my bags around and tiptoe-ing to get my bag up in the cabinet. I hate the feeling of waiting for the people in front of me to get off first when I know that I'm just a few minutes away from seeing my mommy (yeah, yeah hand me a bib why don't you). But I get in the car and everything is better. It's like that moment when you were a kid fussing over who knows what and your mom whoops out a fruit-by-the-foot and all of a sudden, you just shut up and keep unrolling that cavity-hell. Well, would you look at that? Even better, I go home, and there's always a huge table full of your favorite homemade calories. Nothing is better than mama's cooking! It just feels so nice to know that someone is always waiting for you and missing you at home. That's why it just sucks lollipops every time I have to go back to school. It was worse in previous years when I didn't have Maggie or Rock living with me - they're the only good part about going back to school.

Speaking of which, one of my biggest reasons why I go home is because of my bestie. Home is really dull and boring without her... Nothing can explain our friendship. More than a peanut butter and jelly kind of relationship... even more than a Korean girl and eyeliner kind of relationship (that's very deep, let me tell you). Any who, she's visiting me in 2 weeks and I AM SO EXCITED! Can't wait to take her to our (Maggie, Rock and I) favorite all you can eat KBBQ place, Manna, and more food heavens. I'll keep you guys upda...t.....e....d........ hopefully.

Sorry, this blog was very unintentionally long and rambly. A blogger's food blog entry without food. Ha.. But my roommates and I are having a little potluck tomorrow so we'll keep you posted! If you finished reading this, congratulations. Let's be friends. 

Live to eat,


Thursday, February 21, 2013

My heart murmurs

I've been trying to sleep for the past couple of hours but obviously failed. So yay to my first post!
I just came back from home, had a really nice 6 day break and a tiny amount of studying. sigh, such a bad girl =x. I'm always so bad at keeping in touch with my friends when I'm back at home, my phone just disappears and I can't find it O_O. Ok that's a lie, I just don't check my phone often when I'm in San Jose because I get caught up in being with the boyfriend and the cats. Time is too precious when you can only see each other once or twice every 3 months. Sometimes it drives me crazy to miss home so much that I forget how much I miss it. Sounds contradicting huh? Anyway, I should really work on keeping in touch, like forreals. I don't want my friends to forget about me :(. I tried to reply the soffee as soon as I could this time tho, so I guess that's a little progress? Heh.
While I was in San Jose, I ate TONS of good food. Of course the first thing i had was Vivi's. You don't know what Vivi's is? Holy mother you are missing out on some fucking bomb food my friend.
Denny and I always get the deluxe cheeseburger, then a snapple for him and a Pepsi for me. (Can you taste the difference between coke and Pepsi? I prefer Pepsi!) We always want to try something different on the menu everytime we go, but those deluxe burgers are just too. damn. good. The French bread is crispy (like chriscrispy HAHAHA okie I'm sorry), and the double patties inside the burger is so juicy. The moment you take a bite of the burger you know it's the perfect home made burger. The French fry served at Vivi's is also the best. The right size and the right friedness. BUT BUT BUT the secret is not done yet. Vivi's has a special "green sauce" that they put in some of their food, however, they don't leave it outside with all the ketchup and stuff. You'll have to ask the Vivi's lady for it. Green sauce + ketchup + burger = OH MY GOD. Green sauce + ketchup + French fries = THIS IS SOME REAL SHIT. It's all about the green sauce!!!! Please hail with me "GREEN SAUCE!!! GREEN SAUCE!!! GREEN SAUCE!!!" Ok got a little too excited and I'm still trying to's a picture of half of the deluxe cheese burger and fries:

I also had the best beef noodle soup (actually 2nd best, my mom makes the 1st best ^.^) from my favorite Chinese restaurant in Cupertino, Si Chuan Era. The noodle is so smooth and Q, and the soup is spicy enough to soak the beef to the maximum flavor. Although the Rock thinks it's too oily after looking at the picture, I'm confident in making her liking the original non spicy version! The spicy beef noodle soup is a bit oily and you can't really drink the soup, but the original is fine :). I just personally prefer spicy food.

I also determined my favorite beer while I was home, Tsing Dao Beer! It actually should be spelled as Qing Dao in Pinyin, but anyhow, it's #1 beer from China and it's my favorite! I've had Qing Dao before, but back then I wasn't experienced with beer enough to choose a favorite brand. This time when I went home, I had Qing Dao with Denny and it was the smoothest beer I've ever had. The taste is absolutely delicious too. It's not very wheaty, and somehow it's a little sweet to me. I decided at the moment that I will only get drunk off of Qing Dao, no shots, no other beers, no nothing.

Alright it's 4AM, I should really sleep now. My phone is going out of battery from writing this and I need to study tomorrow since I didn't do any shit at home. Sigh...MCATS.....ugh.
Good night world, or should I say, good morning?
P.s. blogging on your phone is so fucking hard. 
P.s. 2 adding pictures to your blog on phone is so fucking fuck hard.
P.s. 3 now I have to go off my bed to charge my phone. now thinking of my bed reminds me of the freken bug Rock found under my bed. Thank god Soffee killed it for me.
P.s. 4 now I really need to pee.
P.s. 5 I forgot what I was gonna say
P.s. 6 ....................
P.s. 7 ....................
P.s. 8 ok I give up, can't remember. GOOOD NIGHT FOR REALLLLS. PEACE!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

better than cup noodles? hmm?

Yup, This is no homemade fake cup-noodles, this is legit cupnoodles, Shin cup noodles.
Yup, so the blog title did say better than cup-noodles, but I do love cup-noodles, and I do eat them
Fuck health! I eat what I want, I eat whenever I want, this is my favorite late night snack!

Yeaaaaaaaa, gimme some Rock Music!

Okay, enough bull-shitting, I feel bad enough eating cup-noodles and even posting a photo of Cup noodle on here. But, who doesn't love noodles. 
By the way, did I mention that I really really really like Ewan McGregor? Cool Story Bro? Kay, good night then. Bye, you can sleep in hunger, people!

The Birthday Dinner

Yes! I am legal, like finally, heres Apple Martini :D We went to this really quiet lounge to have a drink while we wait for Korean BBQ, and the drinks there are not bad, they even gave me extra drink because of my Birthday. Not Bad Not bad. And the Sofee got a really deep conversation with this one Korean Bartender, potentially flirting? I don't even know, but they look pretty cute together, not a bad start I guess. Ha. 

And of course, we went to Korean BBQ to have my favorite Shrimp and the sheep's favorite PORK belly grilled by the Sofee. Its really sad that we sort of wasted money in BBQ this time, because we didn't get to eat that much!!! But. oh well, we know, and they know we are gonna meet them soon again...

Anyways, fun Birthday night, Aye? just puked a little too much afterwards, but at least no one came and wake me up to ask for carpet cleaning fee the next morning...

The Birthday Soup

First of all, this is not just better than cup noodles, this soup here is made by the Sheep for my birthday. This soup took...let see...4 hours to boil. Yaa... maggie was not a lazy ass on my birthday <3. The Sofee also made soup for my birthday, but sadly, theres no photos, and I puked them out after alcohol and wont be drinking that soup a while. But yaa, no lazy asses food on Birthday! Thank you my sweeties~

This is a very Chinese soup obviously, which Lotus root, salted duck legs and pork boiled together for 4 hours, no msg. and added jiangxi Rice noodle at the end. Super Duper healthy soup to have on Birthday, meaning a healthy start! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dinner of the night - fried Udon

Japanese?Korean? Fried Udon. I don't know, but dont matter, this is our first post!YAY! I originally created the blog title as better than cup noodles lazy asses college students blogging, but apparently my dear blogmates/housemates thought it was too long, so they chopped down to better than cup noodles... If you haven't already got it, better than cup noodles meaning that we actually cook, yet we are still lazy asses, so we try to make "healthier than cup-noodles food" in fast and easy way...and this blog is about food that we eat

 Tonight I had dinner with the Sofeee, I made Fried Udon because we had left over hot pot beef and udon that I havent had for long time. so wasn't even that hard...marinate the beef with the koreanbbq source(you dont have to...) and chop the cabbage, chop half of an onion, chop sausage(because the SOfee was craving for it) add anything you have left, just like the Asian stir Fry mix at those dining halls....chop some garlic...or not...put oil in the pan, fry the cabbage, fry the onion, fry the whatever, add soy sauce, stir stir stir...then set aside, put oil in pan(no need to wash) fry beef to 50 percent cooked, add udon, stir stir stir! add soy sauce, add soy sauce, put everything in, stir stir stir til you think its done.

        A little more about us, we are college I wrote...and we are I wrote.... As you can probably tell, im also a person who always tries hard to be funny...or punnny....hahaha...I just love to be the joker who makes the awkwardest Michael in the Office...oh well, but I love wouldn't mind being a character like him. I am also an artificial person who likes to think of myself as a classy student. I know that may sound contradictory with the punny character I had in me, but no, these two are not contradictory. I like to think of myself as classy, so I listen to Jazz which was obviously considered as low culture in the 60s, but now its considered some kind of classy culture..and ya, thats not relevant. And I also like to think of myself as artistic, through appreciating some big famous painters' paintings...but honestly...I cant see shit in those paintings, I'd tell you Cafe Terrace is one of my favorites, but I can't explain to you why I like it... I also like fashion...and I say I like fashion so you guys would assume that I know Fashion...but no, I don't know fashion, as much as I like to believe that I know fashion, but I can never explain to people why they shouldn't put leggings under their dress or skirt, whatever...I like buying clothes...and other stuffs so yaa..I tried to be a hipster, but now I m trying to get myself out of the hipness and emphasize on the vintageness..haaa~. I still try very hard to build up my hippy look when I go to Mission in San Francisco just so I wouldn't feel too odd walking on the street with whole bunch of hip mother father who get butt-hurt when someone gave me flyer about some underground concert instead of him...OH well, enough about me