Friday, February 22, 2013

All you need is love. &FOOD

Hi all -

First entry! I haven't really been keeping up with this blog until now.. Being "busy" is just an excuse - being the typical lazy college student is more viable. Well, actually that isn't necessarily true because our blog does imply that we're "better than cup noodles." The three of us are real food fanatics and we really value each meal (if we don't end up skipping them) - even a simple cup noodle is created with the perfect amount of H2O so that the noodles stay tongue-smacking. On that note, I don't have any pictures of food for you guys... BUT I will get going with that soon! Fingers crossed.

Maggie already talked about going home this past 3-day weekend and I don't want to sound repetitive...  but I just have to! I hate packing. I hate unpacking. I hate taking my shoes on and off. I hate lugging my bags around and tiptoe-ing to get my bag up in the cabinet. I hate the feeling of waiting for the people in front of me to get off first when I know that I'm just a few minutes away from seeing my mommy (yeah, yeah hand me a bib why don't you). But I get in the car and everything is better. It's like that moment when you were a kid fussing over who knows what and your mom whoops out a fruit-by-the-foot and all of a sudden, you just shut up and keep unrolling that cavity-hell. Well, would you look at that? Even better, I go home, and there's always a huge table full of your favorite homemade calories. Nothing is better than mama's cooking! It just feels so nice to know that someone is always waiting for you and missing you at home. That's why it just sucks lollipops every time I have to go back to school. It was worse in previous years when I didn't have Maggie or Rock living with me - they're the only good part about going back to school.

Speaking of which, one of my biggest reasons why I go home is because of my bestie. Home is really dull and boring without her... Nothing can explain our friendship. More than a peanut butter and jelly kind of relationship... even more than a Korean girl and eyeliner kind of relationship (that's very deep, let me tell you). Any who, she's visiting me in 2 weeks and I AM SO EXCITED! Can't wait to take her to our (Maggie, Rock and I) favorite all you can eat KBBQ place, Manna, and more food heavens. I'll keep you guys upda...t.....e....d........ hopefully.

Sorry, this blog was very unintentionally long and rambly. A blogger's food blog entry without food. Ha.. But my roommates and I are having a little potluck tomorrow so we'll keep you posted! If you finished reading this, congratulations. Let's be friends. 

Live to eat,


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